Monday, June 3, 2013


I can barely keep my eyes open to write this! We probably spent about 80% of the day outside and despite my best efforts to keep us covered and in the shade... it definitely shows. It all started when we realized the pool is actually in the shade until about 9 am, so we got in a good hour of swimming. Your little froggy kick is so cute! I'll have to put a video up of that tomorrow.

Next, daddy came home and decided we needed to come golfing with him, so we put you in your cutest little golfer outfit and headed off to the course.

You are really interested in putting pegs in holes right now (and straws in lids and, apparently, tees in tee-holders), so you liked all the little compartments in the golf cart. Sometimes, though, a girl's gotta stretch her legs so you were off running around the course, chasing mama's pink golf balls that she'd throw for you to distract you from daddy's in-play balls.

After golf you napped and then took a quick dip in the pool before going on a walk with mama and skyping your aunt Tracy.  What a packed day!! You were sort of grumpy and finicky, but I'm guessing it was all the sunshine and heat. Needless to say, once you stopped moving you completely passed out! You like to lie with your head on the pillow like mama and daddy, so you rolled over onto the pillow after nursing, put your hands on my face and fell asleep - so cute!!

Part of me really wants to just take it easy tomorrow, but I think we might go to the zoo early in the morning before it gets too hot. Daddy has to be up for school at 5 am (gross!), so if we wake up from that, maybe we'll go. Otherwise, I have no issue having a curious george and Scrubs marathon with my girl!

Sleep tight my darling,

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