Why must you scare your mama to death, little buggie? Every time I turn around you're climbing up the stairs or onto some piece of furniture or opening a door to escape or getting into the cleaning products... you've got a death wish, baby!
You're very good on your feet for a 12 month old, so it's no wonder that you're able to get into everything. You never crawled, but started walking at 6 months and were completely on your own, running all over the place by 8. You've been acting like a dog the last few days, walking around on all fours and panting. This was mid-dog in your typical squat position.
I had put you on the table to get a picture of your tiny pony tail, but this was the only one that came out focused - you move too fast! Nice boogers, baby girl. Please stop being sick!!
Today we lay around the house waiting for your daddy to be done with school and helping your uncle move, but eventually we got bored and went to the mall to walk around. You make everyone smile while you dance through stores and carry mama's clothes into dressing rooms. Don't worry, I am totally aware that I've created a monster!
You didn't go to bed until after 10, which was just plain stupid, but you were in a good mood while you were awake so I didn't fight it.
Love you buggie,
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