Tuesday, June 4, 2013


So much for a restful day, eh buggie? Zoo, errands, more errands, MORE errands and then visiting daddy at work. You're passed out now and I wish I was there with you! However, I have lots and lots of laundry to fold so that will have to wait...

We went to the car wash today (since we're selling the baby carrot) and I could hear you squealing and laughing the whole time. I wasn't really sure how you would respond to driving through a dark tunnel while giant sponges smacked against our car, but I couldn't have asked for anything better!

Since we got to the zoo right when it opened it never got unbearably hot. It probably helped that we had a ton of water with us this time - buggie on the front, camelbak on my back. I looked like a sherpa! We ran into a friend from mamis and babies afterwards, but she was asleep. It must be strange having your friends be asleep half the times you run into them!

When we saw the elephant (from about 10 feet away!!) you started making elephant sounds at her. I was so proud! It's the only animal sound you know, but it was also the only time you did it so I'm confident you know what it means. Just before we went home, you got to stretch your legs in desert lives. You very quickly learned the word "snake" and pointed them all out to everyone around us. You are such a smart little girl!!

We had fun together all day, but our activities weren't that exciting. You did get to play in TWO splash pads today, though, so I'd call it a winning day!

I should probably stop ignoring this laundry now...
love you buggie,

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