Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dreams of cycling...

Although I hate that Buggie is one already... nice thing about it is that she's now "technically" old enough to ride in a bike seat with me! She's been walking for six months and has had adequate neck strength since three months, but every once in a while I take a parenting suggestion seriously. As this pertains to her immediate safety... I listened.

Now that she's one, daddy and I have decided that it's a good time for me to sell my car AND my bike and buy a new cruiser and bike seat! We're working hard right now to get debt paid off, so it'll also be nice to have some extra money to put towards our family car (and Buggie's college fund!). Daddy wants to get a motorcycle but I'm not 100% sold on that idea yet so in the meantime we'll be down to one car and two bikes.

I can't wait to go on long rides around the neighborhood and town with my bug - maybe we can convince daddy to go up north sometime for a bike ride around Sedona! We all love being outside and I'm super stoked to have a new activity to enjoy together.

If you know of anyone who is looking to buy a car or a bike, please send them my way! I have prices listed, but am willing to work with what you can afford or negotiate some sort of payment plan. I know these are big purchases (especially the car), and I hope I can help you while you help me!

Alright folks... anybody need a car or bike

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