Friday, June 7, 2013


I was too tired last night to write my note to you, Buggie! But now you're napping so let's recap our yesterday, shall we?

Since we had some leftover french bread, I decided to make french toast for brunch after daddy got home from work. This, of course, meant we needed to make a trip to Trader Joes for maple syrup (and everything else in the store). We are there so often that the cashiers are starting to know you by name! I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing...

You were not a fan of the french toast! Your daddy's family is all about sugar, but my family tends to like salty food more and you take after me in that sense. So while daddy and I ate french toast, you had some eggs and cheese and looked oh so cute:

Your rash guard arrived yesterday, which meant we can finally go swimming while the sun is out! Would you believe that you're suddenly a fan of the rafts?? You sat with daddy on his, then had a snack on the big chair raft with mama and then even floated around in your own little boat for a while.

Daddy had to work in the afternoon, so you and I spent some time with friends down in Arcadia. You have a runny nose and seem sort of congested so you didn't have the best time, but you were still your friendly self and I am so grateful for that!

I am supposed to be cleaning the room today since I've been putting it off for so long so I should probably get back to that.

Love you buggie,

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