Saturday, June 8, 2013


Oh hey there, little miss independent. Did nobody remind you that you're a little baby today? 

At one point during my failed efforts to clean our room (I love cooking and caring for you and daddy, but cleaning? eh....), I turned around to find you wearing one of my necklaces AND my birkenstocks. You quickly ditched the big shoes and decided to play with your birthday balloon instead. I tried getting a picture of it, because it looked like baby mardi gras, but you're so quick that this is the best I could get! 

Even with your red eyes and zoned-out expression (which is incredibly common for you, actually. you're a little dreamer and it sometimes takes quite a bit of effort to get you to come back to us!), you're clearly the prettiest little party baby on the block. 

Later in the day, I was trying once again to reclaim our room when I heard the doorknob jiggle and turned to find you gone. Yes, m'littlelady. You can now open doors. Darn your mama's long arms! You've been opening cabinets and drawers for ages and recently figured you can slide the glass doors open if they're unlocked, but now you're even turning doorknobs? Oi. Slow down!! 

We did take the day a bit easier than the others this week and abandoned our one major errand (driving to Chandler to exchange my rashguard at the Roxy store) in favor of a long nap-drive and coffee with daddy in between his shifts, but we were all still extremely pooped at the end of the day! I did a workout video while daddy played with you and put you to bed, but you woke up in hysterics afterwards while I was in the shower. I still don't know if you were hot, teething, in pain (your little hand is a bit swollen and I'm pretty sure it's from when your older cousin "didn't shut [your] hand in the door") or what, but a little milk and snuggles and you were back to sleep. Honestly, sometimes you just have a hard time sleeping and staying still if I haven't exhausted every ounce of your energy, so maybe you needed to release one last burst! 

I love you so much and am so so proud of and amazed by you. You're so smart and independent and I can't wait to watch you run this town.

Love you buggie, 

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