Sunday, June 9, 2013


Today was sort of an unusual day. Mama was laaaazy! But you were sort of lazy, too. I mean, you were asleep by 6 so that's got to say something!

We didn't do too many exciting things today, but we did visit daddy while he was studying for his biology exam at Starbucks and you got to do one of your favorite activities: putting a straw in a lid! This is such a simple activity that really helps you develop your fine motor skills and you seriously love it.

I like to find little activities like this that incorporate learning into fun. We have foam letters in the bath (you already know D and B!), your grocery cart full of felt fruits and veggies (you know garlic, which means you are definitely my daughter), animal magnets on the fridge, etc. While I don't want to push you to grow up too fast or try to teach you anything you're not ready for just yet, I do know you love a challenge and these are such important challenges to overcome! 

Alright my sweet baby genius, you sleep tight. 
love you buggie, 

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