Thursday, November 14, 2013

424 Photos

Don't worry, I'm not going to actually post that many. In fact, very few of them are even in focus, and Bug is naked in most of those that are. I did, however, download that many today. Most of them were from New York. Then some from the week Buggie had hand, foot and mouth. A trip to the zoo. A play date. Lots of naked time. She is always naked. Seriously. And I think that this entire download experience (although most of it took place while I bathed and dressed the Bug after a particularly ketchupy meal) is sort of a reflection of where my life has been these past few months.

Have I mentioned we moved? Yes, I think I did. I don't know. I don't read my blog. Hell, I don't even write my blog. Well we did. We moved and we are still not completely unpacked. We need furniture. We have an excess of couch and a pathetic shortage of bed frame.

I was vegan for a while and then stopped and immediately felt horrible. My body hates dairy and I think it might actually just hate animal products in general. But it loves cherry danishes. I'm going to be responsible for a world-wide shortage of those pretty soon.

I've lost weight, even with the danishes. 12 pounds to be exact, which is kind of a lot on my frame. It's nice feeling really comfortable naked... but I don't feel comfortable dressed. Nothing fits. I can't afford new clothes. I'm wearing the same outfits over and over and hoping I don't see the same people twice in one week. I'm becoming a hermit for the sake of fashion.

I feel like my life has just been a blur for the past few months. There have been huge milestones in our marriage (Chad got a huge promotion! We can afford to eat AND live in a place with a roof!) and family life (Bug is getting huge and so smart - she has 40++ words now and can bend it like Beckham). But gosh we are tired.  Chad and I were talking yesterday and we both agree that we need to get healthy. We are thin. We are tiiiiired. We are sore. And there is no excuse! I'm 25 and he is 28. We look pretty healthy on the outside and we are so happy with our little girl... but we need a change.

So... what do we do? Maybe we should address the bed frame shortage. And get some real food (what? cherries are a fruit... ). And go to church. And take a day off every once in a while. Maybe we could even go on a date! No, I'd rather a nap.

Wah wah this is a lame post. Sorry if you read it and thought I was a grumpy butt or humble bragging about my weight. Or if you wished that I had posted any of those pictures I was talking about. I'll give you one that will make you forget all about what a loser I was the past seven tiny paragraphs:

okay fine one more... 

FINE. One more, but only because I want you to see the progression of her "cheese" face as she gets more and more excited about things. 

I mean, who doesn't get that excited about a sleeping maned wolf? 

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